Profire Energy is a company that specializes in providing combustion management and burner management systems for the oil and gas industry, focusing primarily on natural gas and oil production technologies
The company designs, manufactures, and sells a range of products that enhance the efficiency, safety, and environmental performance of energy operations. Profire Energy's solutions include advanced burner and combustion management systems that help clients optimize their operations while minimizing emissions and complying with regulatory standards. Additionally, the company offers related services and support to ensure its clients can effectively implement and maintain these technologies in their facilities.
Companies Reporting Before The Bell • Sangamo Therapeutics (NASDAQ:SGMO) is likely to report quarterly loss at $0.26 per share on revenue of $8.10 million.
In short, 2024 promises to be another uncertain year in the markets. That’s why we’ve had our team of analysts and researchers identify the most promising stocks to keep an eye on in 2024.
Gainers Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: VINO) jumped 95.2% to $3.7280. Gaucho Group is planning to list two of its retail properties in Argentina, in San Rafael and Cordoba, for sale, priced at $2 million and $0.7 million respectively.